

    The ROGER corpus platform is designed to support free searches into the linguistic databasis compiled in the frame of the research project ROGER.

    The corpus consists of novice academic writing produced by Romanian students in Romanian and in English.

    URL Roger corpus platform:


    The platform offers the following search options:

    • Concordance search (word; phrase) in corpus according to the following search filters:
    • Language, Genre, Study Year, Level, Discipline, Gender;
    • Larger context concordance search (word; phrase) in corpus according to the same search filters;
    • Updated corpus documentation (data, size, processing type, metadata analyses);
    • Tutorials for corpus and ROGER corpus platform use and applications;
    • Research updates, i.e. publications and major research findings.


    More about the platform:

    Striletchi, C., Chitez, M. and Csürös, K. (2022). Building Roger: Technical Challenges While Developing a Bilingual Corpus Management and Query Platform. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2022), pages 390-398.

    Available at:



    CC BY-NC-ND: This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.

    Cite ROGER corpus /  platform as:

    Chitez, M., Bercuci, L., Dincă, A., Rogobete, R., & Csürös, K. (2021). Corpus of Romanian Academic Genres (ROGER). West University of Timisoara. Available at



    The EXPRES corpus platform is designed to support free searches into the linguistic databasis compiled in the frame of the research project DACRE.

    The corpus consists of expert academic writing of the follwing linguistic varieties:

    (1) L1 Romanian – texts written by Romanian researchers in Romanian;

    (2) L2 English – texts written by Romanian researchers in English;

    (3) L1 English – texts written by English native speakers (i.e. researchers) in English.


    URL EXPRESS corpus platform:



    CC BY-NC-ND: This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.

    Cite EXPRES corpus /  platform as:

    Chitez, M., Rogobete, R., Muresan, V. and Dinca, A. (2022). Corpus of Expert Writing in Romanian and English (EXPRES). West University of Timisoara. Available at:


    The ComparaQ corpus platform is designed as an open access tool which supports comparative (i.e. multilingual) corpus management and analysis processes. It has been developed in the frame of the research project ROGER.


    URL ComparaQ corpus platform:



      CC BY-NC-ND: This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
    Cite ComparaQ platform as: Obrusnik, A., Chitez, M., Dincă, A., Csürös, K., Rogobete, R., & Bercuci, L. (2022). ComparaQ. A corpus management tool for all. West University of Timisoara. Available at /.
  • LEMI

    LEMI is the first digital tool in Romania that integrates linguistic complexity analysis methods for school reading texts. To create the LEMI digital platform, the project team implemented research methods from the combined fields of corpus linguistics and information technology. Our partners, schools, and NGOs, helped us validate the research results in the classroom.

    LEMI has been created in the framework of the project LEMI: Reading for Me. Science for Children (link to the project website here).

    What LEMI offers:

    1. A digital repository of 250 texts for school reading, grouped by age level, readability, complexity, and content typology. Text selection is performed through the "Search" option.

    2. An interface for analyzing the desired text, by uploading a short text for complexity verification. Text analysis is performed through the "Analysis" option.

    3. Sets of tutorials and informative materials that explain and exemplify how the platform can be used by teachers, parents, children, and the general public. This information is located in the "Documentation" section.

    Access to the "Search" and "Analysis" options is through a personal account (free and easy to create), accessible through the "Enter the platform" button.

    URL LEMI platform:


      CC BY-NC-ND: This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
    Cite LEMI platform as: Chitez, M., Strilețchi, C., Rogobete, R., Oravițan, A., Csürös, K., Andercău, F., Prohap, D. R. & Strilețchi, V. (2023). LEMI – Platformă de evaluare a complexității lingvistice a literaturii pentru copii în limba română. Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara. Available at:



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