April 2024, Inquiries in Digital Humanities: pedagogies, applications, intersections.

In collaboration with the „Annals of West University of Timișoara. Humanities Series”, CODHUS announces a call for papers for a special issue, entitled
Inquiries in Digital Humanities: pedagogies, applications, intersections.


This special issue seeks to explore the diverse pedagogical approaches, practical applications, and interdisciplinary intersections within Digital Humanities. With roots in the humanities and computational methods, DH encompasses a broad array of methodologies, tools, and practices that enable scholars to analyze, interpret, and create digital artifacts that engage with cultural heritage, literature, history, linguistics, and more. Drawing on the works of contemporary scholars such as Terras, Nyhan & Vanhoutte (2013), Drucker (2021), Berry & Fagerjord (2017), the issue aims to shed light on the evolving landscape of DH pedagogies, innovative applications, and the ways in which DH intersects with fields such as data science, critical theory, and cultural studies, exploring the multifaceted dimensions of the digital challenges encountered in the study of humanities.


Main page of the journal (with article template): https://analefilologie.uvt.ro/


Important dates:
− abstract submission (250-300 words): 01.05.2024
− article submission (first draft, 8 to 20 pages): 15.08.2024
− article review: 01.10.2024
 camera-ready submission of article: 01.11.2024
− submission of special issue at AUT: 15.11.2024
− publication: until end of 2024